12 Hidden Life, Work and Maturity

"The Son of God willed to make his own,
    our human journey,
    our history,
    our human growth, physical and spiritual,
    within the family circle.
As Luke tells us: 'Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor' (Lk 2:52);
'grew and became strong in spirit' (Lk 1:80).
He grew in his human maturity,
    in family affections,
    and in the preparation for his mission.
O precious moments of the life of the Saviour!
Great missions in the service of humanity do not come from nowhere.
They require a long preparation,
    in the silence of a persistent and persevering endeavor.
Thus it was for the young Jesus.
Thus it ought to be for you too, dear young people."
(John Paul II, Angelus, 19 March 1986)

"Whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is gracious,
if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise,
think about these things."
(Phil. 4:8).

"Cultivate your personality.
Prepare your furrow. ...
Think of what remains to be done,
and realize also that there is nothing
    that happens by itself
    without the intelligent work of someone."
(St Josemaria)

"A man without a heart
    scarcely deserves the name of man.
The saints, those representatives of mankind
    who more than any others have been the glory of humanity,
    have all been men of great and noble hearts."
(Trochu, The Cure of Ars, p 140)

Work was the daily expression of love
    in the life of the Family of Nazareth. ...
Along with the humanity of the Son of God,
    work too has been taken up in the mystery of the Incarnation,
    and has also been redeemed in a special way.
At the workbench where he plied his trade together with Jesus,
    Joseph brought human work closer to the mystery of the Redemption.
(John Paul II, Redemptoris Custos 22)

"St. Joseph is the model of those humble ones that Christianity raises up to great destinies;
. . . he is the proof that in order to be a good and genuine follower of Christ,
there is no need of great things--
    it is enough to have the common, simple and human virtues,
    but they need to be true and authentic."
(Paul VI, Discourse, 19 March 1969, quoted in John Paul II, Redemptoris Custos 24)

"[Y]ou are 'colleagues' of Our Lord,
who have done precisely what he would have willingly done,
    in accordance with what he had chosen,
    before proclaiming his great mission to the world.
In this way the Lord desired to demonstrate the nobility of this craft. "
(Benedict XVI, Impromptu Talk to the Renovators of the Papal Apartments, 23 December 2005)

"[G]oodness of heart,
strength of soul,
love for justice,
truthfulness to his word,
coherence in the duties freely assumed, etc.
(Vatican II, Presbyterorum Ordinis 3)"

"This will be made especially evident in
stability of mind,
    in an ability to make weighty decisions,
    and in a sound evaluation of men and events.
The students should be accustomed
    to work properly at their own development.
They are to be formed in strength of character,
and, in general, they are to learn
    to esteem those virtues which are held in high regard by men
    and which recommend a minister of Christ.
Such virtues are sincerity of mind,
a constant concern for justice,
fidelity to one's promises,
refinement in manners,
modesty in speech
coupled with charity."
(Vatican II, Optatam Totius 11)

"These qualities are needed for them to be balanced people,
and free,
capable of bearing the weight of pastoral responsibilities.
They need to be educated to love the truth,
to be loyal,
to respect every person,
to have a sense of justice,
to be true to their word,
to be genuinely compassionate,
to be men of integrity
and, especially, to be balanced in judgment and behavior."
(John Paul II, Pastores Dabo Vobis 43)

"Of special importance is the capacity to relate to others.
This is truly fundamental for a person who is called to be responsible for a community
    and to be a 'man of communion.'
This demands that the priest not be arrogant, or quarrelsome,
but affable,
sincere in his words and heart,
prudent and discreet,
generous and ready to serve,
capable of opening himself to clear and brotherly relationships
    and of encouraging the same in others,
and quick to understand,
    and console (cf. 1 Tm. 3:1-5; Ti. 1:7-9).
(John Paul II, Pastores Dabo Vobis 43)

"You are very demanding.
You want everyone else,
    including those who work in the public service,
    to carry out their obligations.
'It is their duty!' you say.
Have you ever thought about
    whether you respect your own timetable,
    whether you carry it out conscientiously?"
(St Josemaria, The Forge 696).

"Order will bring harmony to your life,
    and lead you to perseverance.
Order will give peace to your heart,
    and weight to your behavior."
(St Josemaria, The Forge 806)

"We children of God,
    who are citizens of the same standing as any others,
have to take part fearlessly
    in all honest human activities and organizations,
    so that Christ may be present in them...."
(St Josemaria, The Forge 715)
"With a sense of profound humility
--strong in the name of our God, and, as the Psalmist says,
not in numbers of ouor chariots and our horses"--
we have to make sure ...
    that there are no corners of society
    where Christ is not known."
(St Josemaria, The Forge 716)

"As you work,
    make use of human reminders,
    tricks that awaken God's presence in you.
I do it myself
and the results are rather good.
That's why I have taught many
    to carry a little crucifix
    and place it on the worktable,
    next to the papers.
Now and then when I look at it
    I am reminded of the Lord
    and I offer Him everything.
It is like having a portrait of my father or my mother
    within my field of vision.
More, much more:
because He is my Father,
    my God,
    my Friend,
    and the Love of my loves."
(St Josemaria, Preaching Notes)

"May Mary, Seat of Wisdom,
obtain for you this Lent a profound spiritual renewal,
    so that you can always live
    and offer your studies for the glory of God.
To this end I assure you
    that I will continue to remember you in my prayers,
    as I cordially bless all of you and your relatives. "
(Benedict XVI, Rosary With University Students, 11 March 2006)