08 Jesus Christ


    "A second intervention by Thomas is recorded at the Last Supper. On that occasion, predicting his own imminent departure, Jesus announced that he was going to prepare a place for his disciples so that they could be where he is found; and he explains to them: 'Where [I] am going you know the way' (Jn 14: 4). It is then that Thomas intervenes, saying: 'Lord, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?' (Jn 14: 5).
    "In fact, with this remark he places himself at a rather low level of understanding; but his words provide Jesus with the opportunity to pronounce his famous definition: 'I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life' (Jn 14: 6).
    "Thus, it is primarily to Thomas that he makes this revelation, but it is valid for all of us and for every age. Every time we hear or read these words, we can stand beside Thomas in spirit and imagine that the Lord is also speaking to us, just as he spoke to him.
    "At the same time, his question also confers upon us the right, so to speak, to ask Jesus for explanations. We often do not understand him. Let us be brave enough to say: 'I do not understand you, Lord; listen to me, help me to understand'. In such a way, with this frankness which is the true way of praying, of speaking to Jesus, we express our meagre capacity to understand and at the same time place ourselves in the trusting attitude of someone who expects light and strength from the One able to provide them."
    (Benedict XVI, Thomas, the Twin in the General Audience, 27 September 2006)


    "Returning to the scene of Nathanael's vocation, the Evangelist tells us that when Jesus sees Nathanael approaching, he exclaims: 'Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile!' (Jn 1: 47). This is praise reminiscent of the text of a Psalm: 'Blessed is the man... in whose spirit there is no deceit' (32[31]: 2), but provokes the curiosity of Nathanael who answers in amazement: 'How do you know me?' (Jn 1: 48).